Vision 2016
The seven Pillars of Botswana's National Vision 2016 are depicted below with major keywords. The Botswana National Vision Council is providing the full version.
An Educated, Informed Nation
Education: system of quality education - empower citizens to become the best producers of goods and services - produce entrepreneurs who will create employment through the establishment of new enterprises - life skills - partnership between the public and private sectors - Botswana's wealth of different languages and cultural traditions will be recognised, supported and strengthened.
Information: entered the information age on an equal footing with other nations - best available information technology - regional leader in the production and dissemination of information - developed its communication capacity, particularly in the electronic media, radio and television - culture of transparency and accountability - use and apply the potential of computer equipment.
An Open, Democratic and Accountable Nation
Open, Transparent Governance: community oriented democracy, with strong decentralised institutions - emphasise the accountability of all citizens - regular free and unfettered competition for political office at every level.
Attitude and Quality of Leadership: morally and ethically upright, educated society - increased political tolerance, and legal sanction against those who violate the principles of accountability at all levels of leadership.
A Moral and Tolerant Nation
Morality and Deterioration of National Values: cultivate and preserve national moral and cultural values in the face of rapid social change.
"Give Me"' Attitude: creativity and effort of ordinary people with the vitality of the private sector provide the vital engine for development and growth.
Tolerance: collective identity based upon shared values and a respect for ethnic or cultural differences; or differing views or religious beliefs.
Unity and Pride: Botswana contains a diversity of tribes with different languages that are not equally recognised, and there are signs of disunity and separateness. It is vital to meet the challenge of building a united nation that harnesses this diversity. There is a challenge to instil pride and ownership as well as responsibility for attributes associated with Botswana, especially amongst the young.
A United and Proud Nation
Sharing Common Goals: based on a common heritage, national pride and a desire for stability - diverse mix of cultures, languages, traditions and peoples sharing a common destiny - ethnic integration and full partnership to create a nation in harmony with itself - equitably distributed prosperity in a caring environment.
Family Values, Traditions and History: emphasis on a strong family unit - encourage responsible parenting and the institution of marriage - social foundation for the eradication of problems such as the high incidence of teenage pregnancies, adultery, prostitution, street children and the spread of HIV.
A Safe and Secure Nation
Crime-Free Society: zero tolerance for criminal activities - white-collar crime will be curbed - confidence in institutions for law enforcement and public protection - trained police officers - small, alert, trained, disciplined and accountable army.
A Prosperous, Productive and Innovative Nation
Excellence: society distinguished by the pursuit of excellence through a new culture of hard work and discipline - where effort is rewarded and where the necessary skills are available - where business and entrepreneurial activities are encouraged and supported - actively contributing to the scientific and technological civilisation of the future.
Sustainable Growth and Diversification: diversified economy, with mining, agriculture, industry, manufacturing, services and tourism - vibrant and energetic economy - attract investors - sustainable utilisation of natural resources - developed the role of women - macro economic balance, with stable monetary, exchange rate and fiscal policies - partnership arrangements between local and foreign investors.
The Environment: fully integrated approach towards conservation and development - key natural resources and assets will be equitably distributed between its people - communities will be involved in the use and preservation of their environmental assets - fair distribution between present and future generations - eradication of poverty - wildlife of Botswana will be managed for the sustainable benefit of the local communities, and in the interests of the environment as a whole - strong measures to limit the pollution - building of parks and gardens for recreational purposes - clean and unuttered surroundings.
GDP per Capita: trebled its per capita income to a level of the equivalent of US$8,500 in real terms - average annual growth rate of some 6 per cent in real per capita incomes - overall growth rate of the economy 8 per cent per year - population growing at 2.1% - very high level of investment, at about 41 per cent of GDP incl. inflow of foreign capital.
Employment: full employment, where the total number of jobs available in the formal or informal sectors is in balance with the number of job seekers - gender distribution amongst the employed will be equitable and fair at all levels - equitable distribution of resources.
Housing and Shelter: good quality basic shelter, either in the urban or in the rural areas.
A Compassionate, Just and Caring Nation
Income Distribution, Poverty, and Social Safety Net: more equitable income distribution - participation of as many people as possible in its economic success - policy and measures that increase the participation – economic growth in a distributive manner that creates sustainable jobs - compassionate and caring society - including all people in the benefits of growth - eradicated absolute poverty - access to productive resources, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, disability or misfortune - social safety net - provision of good quality social security, in partnership with the private sector and NGOs.
Health: access to good quality health facilities, including both primary and curative services within reasonable travelling distance - mental health treatment accessible to all - facilities for the special needs of the disabled, for women in adolescence or post menopause, and the elderly - adequate nutrition for all citizens - good quality sanitation - adequate supply of safe water for human needs - fully equipped and able to deal with unexpected epidemics, or the outbreak of new and hitherto unknown diseases - potential of traditional and spiritual healing systems will be fully tapped and utilised in cooperation with modern medical practices, within the framework of modern law.
HIV / AIDS: spread of the HIV virus that causes AIDS will have been stopped - no new infections - access to good quality treatment in the health facilities, community, or the workplace so that they can continue to live full and productive lives for as long as possible.