1st Post Graduate Student Annual Leadership Conference
Post date: Mar 23, 2015 2:19:41 PM
The School of Graduate Studies in conjunction with the Graduate Students Association wishes to invite all graduate students to a conference on academic and professional leadership.
The event has been organized as follows:
Date: 25th March, 2015.
Venue: Faculty of Health Sciences (Block 246) Auditorium 1.
Time: 9am
The theme of the conference is“Towards Academic and Professional Leadership”
The objectives of the conference are as follows:
1. To develop partnerships with the school of graduate studies, University of Botswana
2. To prepare professional development programmes for graduate students during studies and after graduation.
· Work Attachments, Internships and Employment Opportunities
3. To formulate a strategy for establishing postgraduate scholarships fund
· Foreign students exchange funding
· Funding for research presentations at international conferences
· Scholarship Awards
The programme is attached