Graduate Student Association GSA
The Graduate Student Association (GSA) was formed on the 28th January 1998, and seeks to protect, stimulate and enrich the academic and social interests of all graduate students at the University of Botswana. The GSA constitution was adopted at the first Annual General Meeting on the 15th April 1998, at which the Executive Committee was also elected. The Committee is comprised of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Welfare Officer, Publications Officer, and two Executive Members.
All legislative powers of the Association are vested in the Graduate Student Council, which consists of GSA executive members as stated above, as well as one elected representative from each academic department having a graduate programme.
The GSA Objectives are:
To draw into a formal association all graduate students at the University of Botswana with the aim of serving their interests and needs.
To provide a medium through which the members opinions may be responsibly represented, to increase graduate student influence on decisions of relevance to them, both inside and outside the University.
To act as advocate for individual and collective graduate student’s concerns.
To achieve and maintain a specific representation of graduate students on all official University bodies affecting graduate students.
To pursue equity and social justice by promoting respect, honesty and fairness in all matters relating to the work of the University.
To carry out investigations relevant to educational and other needs of graduate students and to report such findings to the members of the Association.
To ensure fair and equitable treatment of all members irrespective of gender, religious affiliation, race or any uniqueness of orientation.
To organize professional and social functions for the community of graduate students and to solicit and organize services and facilities for the community.
To foster and organize professional and social activities and events which will enhance the life of the University community at large.
To establish, maintain and strengthen the spirit and morale of the members by supporting academic and socio-cultural activities.
To establish and maintain links and cordial relationships with students of other universities, educational and voluntary institutions within and outside Botswana which share the ideals and aspirations of the University of Botswana and the Association.
To facilitate the security, financial operations and policies of the graduate students as in matters pertaining to good health, academic environment and social life.
Mr. Alfred Bhusumane
Mr. Joshua Ngoret
Mr. Mompati Kgosietsile
Ms. Lobisa Ruele
Ms. Mandiyanike